Review About SEO

Reviews on stories about SEO

Today, We gonna share our reviews on stories about SEO.

The word 'Best’ is a very strong word. Google switching over to Top Stories is a mystery for most people even though I personally think that this is a great change. Some people think that Top Stories is Google’s way of pruning out fake stories that aim to generate revenue from their click-bait titles and false reports. I’m still not sure how this affects SEO and copywriting as a whole as I’ve only seen big, reputable websites featured for Top Stories but I’m sure that this will change over time as the system is currently being optimized.

I mean, it’s only been out for a short time and Google is most definitely making changes to improve on their system. This week in SEO: Launch of chrome 69 and other news [ September 2018, week 1 ]. SEO news roundup [ August 2018 edition ]- Broad core algorithm update, the launch of cameos app, and more. Google News is a news aggregator that presents a customizable flow of news articles from the last 30 days.

They are organized in seven or eight categories, depending on your location and language settings, and they are clustered by topic. This means that news articles from several sources around the same topic (i.e. “oil prices going up”) will be presented together, avoiding duplication of information. The purpose, as stated by Google, is “to help everyone understand the world by connecting people with high-quality news from a variety of perspectives”. As a result of this, there are thousands of marketing articles, videos, and other content pieces put together by people in the SEO, social media, video, and content marketing space. Way too many for a marketing pro, much less someone running a business full time, to read and digest on a consistent basis.

All too often some of the big players in the marketing space are constantly syndicated over and over again by all sorts of people in space. we are striving to highlight as many authors as we can in order to present a diverse set of ideas from all over the world. Hence, there is a thing that doing SEO is a great thing for a website.

There are few blogs which are helpful in SEO activities.


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